Anonymous: Message to SONY on SOPA
Címkék: video sony anonymous playstation network
2012.01.03. 15:14
Ez még 2011.12.28.-án került ki, még csak most láttam. Az anon hadat üzent a sonynak a SOPA támogatása miatt. Nem tudni hogy ennek okán-e avagy milyen más megfontolásból, de a sony azóta bejelentette hogy mégsem áll a SOPA mögé. Az üzenet szövege alant:
Hello, SONY.
We are Anonymous.It has come to the attention of the Anonymous activist community that you have chosen to stand by the Stop Online Piracy Act. This act will halt online businesses and restrict access to many sites for many users. Supporting SOPA is like trying to throw an entire company from off a bridge. Your support to the act is a signed death warrant to SONY Company and Associates. Therefore, yet again, we have decided to destroy your network. We will dismantle your phantom from the internet. Prepare to be extinguished. Justice will be swift, and it will be for the people, whether some like it or not. Sony, you have been warned.
To those doubting our powers. We’ve infiltrated the servers of Bank of America, The United States Department of Defense, The United Nations, and Lockheed Martin. In one day.
For their approval to SOPA, we have also declared that our fury be brought upon the following persons. Justin Bieber. Lady Gaga. Kim Kardashian. and Taylor Swift.
Operation Blackout, engaged.
Operation Mayhem, engaged.
Operation LulzXmas, engaged.We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.Supporters of SOPA, you should’ve expected us.
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