Elkezdődött 2012, kezdjünk egy funposttal. Háttér infó hogy TehWongZ [DestructiveSecurity] és Hex00010 [TeaMp0isoN] össze akasztották a bajuszt, anyáztak egy sort twitteren, aztán doxolták Hexet...

Destructive Security
< 0WN3D by We suggest you don't fuck with us. Or bigger shit gets sent. Bad move.

Pastebinen a dox, egy ilyen intróval csak h megmaradjon az utókornak:

hex u piece of shit skid, u picked the worst time to fuck with Destructivesec, u say we made mistakes, but so have yuh my nigga. now lets see i hear u hate carding, then you'll hate me, dildos and buttplugs at ur door soon, expect em for next few months, i have already carded pizza's for future orders in ur name, this wont end soon, u shoudnt have some down this path u skid. heres your dox and order confirmations check my twitter for your most recent 0wnage

hex beközölte hogy párszor már doxolták...

ive been doxed about 15+ times now.... nothing new
... majd alig egy óra múlva kiesett egy ilyen:
  Ohhh no did Your site get hax0red?
Deface a destructivesecurity.com-ra + redox tehwong, az a jóféle elkapálós. Meg ahogy elnézem megpukkantották a fb accát is. Idézet:
TehWongz, Aka DestructiveSecurity , Thought they were real hackers because they doxed me (Hex00010) however they fail to realize is the fact that i have been doxed over 15+ times and yet they act as if this is a major achievement in life.
Well this is what happens when you try to act like a bad ass :)
Nem ez volt az első eset hogy a a destructivesecet defacolta a teampoison, mirror 2011-ből. szétpwnolás. lolztam.

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